What is the average household income in hamilton county indiana?

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What is the average household income in hamilton county indiana?

The following table shows how the median household income in Hamilton County, IN compares with that of its neighboring geographies and matrices. The map below shows all districts in Hamilton County, IN, colored according to their median (total) household income. The table below shows how the percentage of people without insurance in Hamilton County, IN, changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. The following table shows how the number of patients seen by primary care physicians has changed over time in Hamilton County, IN, compared to neighboring geographies.

Household income includes the income of the head of the household and of all other people aged 15 and older in the household, whether or not they are related to the head of the household. The table below shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Hamilton County, IN compared to that of its neighboring geographies and matrices. This graph shows the percentage of ownership in Hamilton County, IN compared to major and neighboring geographies. Primary care physicians in Hamilton County, IN, see 688 patients per year on average, representing a decrease of 1.85% from the previous year (701 patients).

Hamilton County, IN, Has an Average Household Income of $41,900

Compared to the average household income in Indiana, Hamilton County, Indiana, has a median household income that is $41,900 higher. In addition, the per capita income in Hamilton County is $20,205 higher than the median per capita income in Indiana.

The ACS 1-year survey report shows that the per capita income for Hamilton County, IN, was $53,259 in 2021. In the same year, the total number of residents in the county increased from 323,117 to 330,455.

The poverty rate in Hamilton County, Indiana, is 4.7%. The unemployment rate in the county is 3.3%. The sales tax rate in the county is 7.0%.

The table below shows the percentage of people who are enrolled in various types of health insurance. The table also shows the number of patients who visited a primary care physician in the past year.

The table below also shows the percentage of residents who have a bachelor's degree. The table below also shows the percentage of residents with a military or VA plan. The table below also shows the percentage of adults who visit a dentist in the past year. The table below also shows the percentage of people who are enrolled on a non-group plan. The table below also shows the number of people who receive health coverage through the Medicaid program.

The table below also shows the percentages of people who reside in four different cities. These include: Carmel, Fishers, Indianapolis, and Noblesville.

The housing costs in Hamilton County, Indiana, are a significant burden for many groups. First-time homeowners, senior citizens, and working families are among the most affected.

The most common work groups, by number of people living in Hamilton County, IN, are managerial occupations (28,395 people), sales-related occupations (22,772 people), and administrative support occupations (26,702 people). In addition to these federal programs, state and local programs use income and poverty estimates to distribute funds and manage programs. The most common employment sectors for those living in Hamilton County, IN, are social assistance for 26% of healthcare (25,463 people), manufacturing (20,007 people) and professional, scientific and technical services for 26% (19,998 people). This graph shows the number of workers in Indiana in various wage groups compared to the national average.

The student population of Hamilton County, Indiana, is biased toward women, with 79 male students and 415 female students. The homeownership rate in Hamilton County, IN, is 76.7%, which is higher than the national average of 64.4%. None of the households in Hamilton County, Indiana, reported speaking a language other than English at home as their primary shared language. The chart below shows households in Hamilton County, IN, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group.

Compared to all counties in the state, the county of Switzerland has the highest prevalence of diabetes (21.3%). This graph shows the gender disparity between institutions in Hamilton County, IN by degrees awarded.

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